Monday, December 14, 2009

Forget Indexing, Forget Yield, Forget Returns, Use the Easy Annuity Sales System

I hate to break bad news for you, but if you sell the return trip are nothing but a bank employee. Bank employees do not earn much, and neither you, if not out of this nonsense.

Are constantly bombarded with sales organizations, with the announcement later, the larger product that will make it easier to sell. When I focused, I would be in the bank.

Nothing wrong with the bank unless I make more money every 2 weeks, as most banksOfficials in one year.

Have you by e-mail box full of this stuff, which offers the biggest and best new product? Mine is.

I ignore them all, and we strongly recommend that you do it too. All this stuff is garbage. I've got a little secret, all these products are almost identical.

The difference is the name of the pension!

I mean, take a look and see. The latest and greatest is just recycled product compared to the previous month. It may look different, butessentially the same.

I look at the corporate credit rating, how long is the contract and what opportunities are there for credit. I also want to ensure that the service is outsourced? I do not want my clients want a company always checks!

A much easier way to sell pensions, to find out how a person feels. How they think their money and their future? This can be achieved with the issue of emotional issues. Here's an example:

Approach Fact: WhereTheir children attend college? (This is a matter of fact) is

Feeling approach: What do you think college would be best for your children? (same question, but as a feeling)

How do you feel a lot more questions arise, and built a relationship with a much better perspective.

Here's a leading question has two options. Suppose you have a conversation with an adult over the age, and say they have bank CD. They want to know what they know about interestEarn money so you can compare with your products.

Fact approach: the interest rate they pay you? (very simple and puts them in a position of place, what if he made a mistake?)

Feeling of approach to interest rate that currently enjoy? (allowing them to be in a positive position)

Feeling questions are always more facts to the surface of all kinds of questions. It 'a question about how it is asked. More emotional problems: The more that is available. The more the better relationship and allows the possibility of transition from one prospect to a customer.

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