Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Earn increased compensation Using this approach to immediate annuity

Do you sell immediate annuities? Otherwise, it is because the commissions are so low? I do not sell because of this, but I have a system for the prospect of having happy and not a reduction in pay.

Here you are, or use it as a "secret" or the company immediate annuity business!

When I meet someone, and their primary interest is the income I say:

"Mrs. Jones, I know that my income and pension productswhich provide that for you. The problem is when revenue source, it is done can not be changed and you will be locked in. This is something that others have done in your situation. Many people have invested the decision to convert their funds to generate income and have been postponed at the same time, their money is safe. "

Be explained by Mrs. Jones, the unknowns that may come, we turn to control the use of a pension in their favor. It allows you to control andoffering more opportunities.

1. Discover how much money for retirement immediate

2. Go to the website of insurance companies and the price of immediate pension based on the amount and age.

3. Determine the monthly income to their age, and then run again, the calculation based on one years later. For example, when they were 70, you run at 70 and 71

4. Will be two numbers (for example), we say that the income at age 70$ 1000 per month and pay the same for 71 and 1,050 dollars.

Now back to Mrs. Jones ... "Mrs. Jones, is the present value of the income of your deposit on your current age, $ 1,000 a month. Immediate annuity rates are determined by your age and each year the factors that increase the monthly payment is based. For example, the income for the same money to do more to 71 as 70, because it is based on age and life expectancy. "

"Mrs. Jones, because I prefer not to take into account your money on deposit andSelect the only option of interest. My company pension is an interest rate of 6% a year earlier (in the payment of bonus on the first year) and remove the income from interest on a monthly basis. Interest is a monthly $ 1,000 a month. "

I Go on. "Next year, if interest rates keep changing it, there are several options. You can continue to withdraw funds on deposit and interest monthly, it converts everything to an immediate pension or you can continue to collect the same CompanyAmount. "

Of course, if you insist for the same monthly income bonus rate will reduce your account. Here's how I am with this.

"Mrs. Jones, even though each year from your account as a factor) of an increase in monthly payment intended for you (mortality, so that every time you turn the pile of money, a source of income, and you can determine how long are the source of income for the rest of your life. "

This simpleConcept works like a charm, because it is Mrs. Jones, control over their options for the future.

· Monthly income you want

· Not in a withdrawal, blocked, what happens if their situation changes

· There is the prospect of control over future decisions and provides options

Plus, the compensation is greater and is a complete win-win situation.

Annuity Settlement Options structured settlement company

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